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What is PurePRP ®?

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) is the most cutting edge therapy in soft tissue/joint injuries and collagen rejuvenation. In the world of regenerative therapies, “deliverable platelet count is the most important measure of the power of the PRP biologic”. Emcyte’s PurePRP ® provides the industry’s highest platelet counts with lab-verified types and quantities of growth factors. This unique delivery system provides:

  • 7 – 21 billion platelets (compared to 1 – 3 billion in manual techniques)
  •  Fewer red blood cells and diabetic conditions at injection site
  • Less pain and wound-inhibiting inflammation than other methods or devices
  •  Anti-microbial effects available
  • Improvement in pain and healing that increases over 3 weeks to 3 months.

PurePRP ®

How can PurePRP ® help?

Since PRP promotes healing, tissue repair and collagen rejuvenation, you can experience its benefits wherever you have injuries or collagen! Our most popular applications include joint injections, lung repair and hair restoration, which are Dr. Livengood’s areas of expertise. Some common ailments that benefit significantly from PRP include:
  • Joint pain from arthritis or overuse
  • Tendonitis or tendon tears
  • Meniscal tears
  • Hair loss
  •  Post-covid lung damage or COPD
  • Sagging and thinning skin

Is it safe?

PRP therapy is extremely safe because you are your own donor for the biologic medicine. That means NO damage to the vital healing cells from freezing or processing
  • NO risk of rejection or allergic reaction
  • NO preservatives or foreign materials
  • As with any medical procedure, a small risk remains for pain, irritation or infection at the application site. You will be sent home with instructions and expectations following your procedure.

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What’s the difference between PurePRP and SuperShot?

SuperShot is a complete PurePRP with the addition of almost a TRILLION extracellular vesicles (EV’s) that remain floating in the discarded elements of PurePRP. There are numerous types of these tiny molecules, each with a specific role in the repair process. They are messengers and proteins that are essential for tissue regeneration, healing, vascularization, and rejuvenation.
Adding them back to a PurePRP treatment creates the most complete regenerative treatment possible to accelerate healing and results even faster than PRP alone.

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